Our story

10 years ago,

we were three makers looking to create a beautiful new product. We were already running the biggest job board for designers in The Netherlands, and through that we had the access to lots of design agencies. We spoke to them to see if there was anything we could improve for them.

During those chats, we discovered that many of these companies had a broken hiring process. They all acknowledged that hiring was important. However, most of them had a messy hiring process using only email and spreadsheets, and no clear hiring strategy.

We heard hiring horror stories about candidates being rejected and invited for an interview by different team members. We also heard about candidates being forgotten entirely, making the company lose out on that key hire they so badly needed.

At the same time, we noticed first hand that the companies that were successful had some things in common: Things like a compelling story, strong company values and a deep appreciation for their team and people.

So we created Homerun

These insights inspired us to create Homerun: An elegant and easy-to-use hiring tool that helps companies organize their hiring, enable them to tell their story and connect with job seekers.

Fast forward to today, Homerun has helped thousands of companies and millions of job seekers find each other. Through this experience, we've learned a lot about the common pitfalls of a bad hiring process, but more importantly, we also learned what it takes to do it well.

Enter Homerun ID

Our biggest eye-opener has been that to really enable a great fit, you need to improve both sides of the table: companies and job seekers. We saw that if both sides improve their understanding of what's important to them, their strengths and weaknesses and know what they're searching for, they are both better equipped to find the right match.

Alongside that we have been noticing the changing role work plays in our lives. With a shift to remote (because of the pandemic) and a wave of burn-out and mental health issues, people all over are re-evaluating their aspirations, wanting to find more meaning in work and no longer seeing climbing the corporate ladder as the #1 goal in life anymore.

This has created a perfect storm for us to finally put our heads down and design a tool specifically for job seekers. And after being in the works for more than a year, we’re proud to finally share this product: Homerun ID!

So, what’s Homerun ID?

Homerun ID is a new job search tool. It helps people with their job search by providing them with guidance and structure. So they have less stress and anxiety, are more intentional in their job search, can find jobs that align with their values and apply with more confidence.

What you can do in Homerun ID so far:

We have loads of features we’d like to add once we see what job seekers want most!

This is just the start.

Our mission is to level the playing field, bring balance to the role work plays in life and bring job seekers and companies together in a way that promotes equity and equality.

We believe that Homerun ID and Homerun complement each other in a way that will help us to achieve just that.